Combine “Mobile Device Management” (MDM) with USB Plug/Play “Data Loss Prevention” (DLP) using SCCM and/or Intune

Combine “Mobile Device Management” (MDM) with USB Plug/Play “Data Loss Prevention” (DLP) using SCCM and/or Intune

01/29/2018 – secRMM has a security property that applies specifically to mobile devices. secRMM can verify when a mobile device is connected to a Windows computer over a USB cable if that device is enrolled in your organizations MDM. If it is not, secRMM can either unmount the device or prevent files from being copied […]

SCCM ties together MDM and DLP

SCCM ties together MDM and DLP

December 06, 2016 – Microsoft is putting a lot of hard work into securing mobile devices in the enterprise. Recently, they have been promoting their “Enterprise Mobility Suite” (EMS). EMS has many powerful security features. The core product of EMS though is based off Microsoft’s Mobile Device Management (MDM) product named InTune. InTune is a […]