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USB security: New Encryption Report

02/25/2022 – Product overview: secRMM is a Windows security solution that audits and controls access to removable storage devices (i.e. USB drives and mobile devices).  secRMM is very easy to implement in that it can operate on a standalone Windows computer (even XP!) or can be centrally managed for thousands of computers (using SCCM, Intune, Active Directory GPOs or WinRM).  It can be configured to have security policies for computers and/or groups of users.

Article details: When your end-users are using removable storage to perform their work, it is nice to get a report which shows the encryption status of the removable storage devices the end-users are using.  secRMM supports both software and hardware encryption devices.  Below is the new secRMM Encryption report.  secRMM comes with many other reports which give you a clear picture of your security environment as it relates to removable storage devices.

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Closing: We hope you find this new secRMM report useful for your environment(s).  Please let us know what you think or if you have a specific requirement for your environment.  You can get more details about secRMM by visiting https://www.squadratechnologies.com.

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